How to send bulk photos via Google Voice

Brian Smith
@brismuth’s blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2023


Bulk Texter Pro lets you send bulk photos in Google Voice!

Maybe you’re a virtual school teacher wanting to add pictures to your texts to students to help keep them engaged. Or maybe you’re a religious leader, and you’re wanting to send an inspiring message to your congregation.

If you want to text a photo to a large number of people, Google Voice doesn’t give you a lot of options.

You can send a group text, which means that everyone will see everyone else’s phone numbers and replies. Not ideal.

Or you can painstakingly type out each contact’s phone number and go through the several steps to send a photo in Google Voice for each person. Tedious!

That’s where Bulk Texter Pro comes in. Bulk Texter Pro is a browser extension that streamlines the Google Voice texting process. It supports CSV upload, scheduling messages in advance, and even sending photos.

Bulk Texter Pro and icon

Bulk Texter Pro enables you to send completely customized individual text messages to each recipient — including photos. No one sees anyone else’s phone number, just yours. And it can save you hours and hours of effort.

Step One: Sign up for Google Voice

Google Voice is a VOIP service that comes free with your Google account. It basically gives you a phone number that you can place calls and send texts from online (or through Google’s app). You can set up Google Voice here:

Step Two: Install Bulk Texter Pro

Bulk Texter Pro is available on Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. You can download it from the official extension/add-on stores on the Downloads page:

Step Three: Start using Bulk Texter Pro

Bulk Texter Pro will open automatically the first time you install it, but you can also open it any time using the Bulk Texter Pro icon to the right of your browser URL bar.

The Bulk Texter Pro icon

Bulk Texter Pro will walk you through the account registration process, but if you run into any issues, you can check out this guide on how to sign up:

Once you’ve registered your account, you can start sending bulk texts! Here are some guides to using Bulk Texter Pro’s basic message sending functionality:

Wrapping Up

Hopefully you find Bulk Texter Pro to be a huge help to your workflow!

If you run into any issues or have any questions or feedback, reach out to — we’re typically quick to respond and always happy to help.



Some things I love: my family, building things, helping people, tinkering.